What makes a photograph?
An SLR camera stands for Single Lens Reflex Camera. Light enters through a single lens at the front of the camera, and is reflected on a mirror or sensor in the camera, recording the light off the objects in front of its view point. An aperture ring inside the SLR camera adjusts how much light may enter the camera. The shutter speed function on an SLR camera adjusts how long the light may enter the camera. Photography is simply a recording of light on film emulsion, or a digital sensor caused by different chemicals.
There are also DSLR cameras which is a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. It does the same job as the normal SLR camera however it records the image digitally rather than on film. All cameras work on the same principle of a pinhole.
Lighting in an image.
Lighting is very important in image if it looks slightly too bright or dim it could change the whole look within the photo. Before you can understand photography, you must first understand light. The word photography is from the Greek word “phos” which means light and “graphis” which means drawing. Controlling the amount of light, the duration of the light and its intensity are the factors in creating a good photo.
Light is made up of electro magnetic waves and consists of 7 colours which when together make white light. These 7 colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, idigo and violet.