Thursday, 20 October 2011

Together Sam, Stephen and I decided to do our project on how the lighting in an image can change a photo. We decided to show the difference between natural and artificial light. We needed to add a subject to the photo so we chose something natural like an apple and artifical object like a toy but then at the end decided to use water as it is a good reflector for light and we can represent it in different ways. The content of the photograph would be the light, background, object and everything inbetween. For my photo in particular i used a water bottle with the light coming through it and reflecting in different ways, this was effective as it made the bottle almost glow. The background was grass which made the water bottle stand out but also made it natural. The form of the object is transparent flimsy bottle but when filled with water it becomes a stronger builded object that cannot be broke down. The bottle is artifical however the water inside is natural which builds a contrast inbetween the two. Also when doing the boys photo's we had to try multiple times to get the effect we wanted in the end. Sam, Stephen and I worked well together as we can motivate each other and give each other advice. I feel the project went well with a few minors such as people in backgrounds and finding the exact space we wanted within the time limit we had. After completeing our photos and uploading them onto a presentation we went round to ask some of our audience's oppinions. They said they didnt really understand them untill after we told them the context. They then said before we told them more about it they liked Sam's best as it had an interesting texture, after the context was explained they started to change their minds. If we had more time we would have liked to get a few more opinions on how to improve them to appeal to the auidence more but i feel we did well with what was given to us.


  1. Group note:
    Prezi – Some good use has been made of the online media tool Prezi to exhibit the project. It is worth considering here how a Prezi looks from a distance. The words “The Task” announce the objective. A Prezi, like a photograph, can have form. It would be worth considering how an arrangement of text and objects, viewed from a zoomed out position, can use formal elements to unite content and theme. A crude example (a suggestion used here to clarify rather than as example to follow) would be to arrange all the contents of the Prezi into the shape of a bottle. Formal elements could then influence the type of bottle we see, the feel of it and the overall tone of the image. Inside the Prezi, frames are used well to present images and accompanying information. The images are presented in a pyramid structure: it would have been useful to hear in individual evaluations thoughts about why line and shape here were designed in this way. There follows a useful explanation of the inspiration behind the work, introducing themes of natural resources versus manufactured commodities and organic elements versus hazardous materials. Frames are then used to deliver each of the three works discretely along with explanatory text. A final frame deals with audience feedback. It would have been more effective to integrate the target audience focus group feedback into each of the individual frames. Comments could have been cited and analysed alongside the images they refer to. A chief weakness of the presentation, and therefore a key area for development is the lack of attention given to an analysis of how formal elements unite each work’s theme and content. This is as true for the target audience research feedback as it is for the creator’s explanatory notes. In terms of the former, the focus group should have been asked questions specifically designed to elicit ideas about subject, content and form and the relationship dynamics between the three.

  2. Individual note:
    Blog – In the evaluation on your blog, you write that, “The background was grass which made the water bottle stand out but also made it natural.” Why did this happen? Try to explain the effect using the language of form that you have learned. You say that, “the form of the object is a transparent flimsy bottle but when filled with water it becomes a stronger built object that cannot be broken down.” You are not talking about form here. You are talking about content and one of your themes. In an evaluation of your work, you need to begin by articulating fully all the ideas around your theme(s) and then analyse how the formal elements of the piece unify its themes and content. When you come to talk about Exhibition, you need to explore the relationship between the formal elements of the image you’ve created and the formal elements of the Prezi you’ve chosen to exhibit it in.

    You offer a short, generalised account of how your target audience focus group responded to the piece. As mentioned above in the group note, you should approach the focus group with questions strategically designed to elicit ideas about subject, content and form and the relationship between the three.

    Prezi – At the outset, you state that the overall theme of your works was “natural versus supernatural”. It must be presumed that you meant natural versus non-natural or manufactured. You needed to comprehensively explore this theme and the satellite ideas around it. You are expected to analyse how the formal elements of the piece unify its themes and content and to do this you must thoroughly have explored the area of subject/theme first. You make a useful point about how you have used the rule of thirds to have the bottle positioned on one of the magic axis points. You make a good and valid point about how line is used – the lines of the sky/hedgerow join and the hedgerow/grass join – to draw the viewer’s eye towards the bottle. Very good use of the dynamic diagonal has been made in the composition to achieve this. You really needed here to explore in more detail how form is unifying your subject/theme and the content of the image.

    You also need to discuss the target audience focus group feedback in terms of how they have responded to subject, content and form.

    Good class work and homework and a promising response to the objective. C+
